The City of Lovelock is partnering with other Northern Nevada governments to launch the Nevada Speed Test, a project to bring reliable broadband service to the region’s most unserved and underserved homes and businesses.
The Nevada Speed Test is counting on fellow Nevadans to pinpoint those locations by logging on to www.nevadaspeedtest.org, a mapping tool which measures internet speeds. By analyzing home and business connectivity, strategies can be identified and funding solutions pursued that improve regional broadband infrastructure.
The Nevada Speed Test is hosted by the Western Nevada Development District (https://wndd.org), a regional economic development planning organization. Connectivity has been identified as a cornerstone to business resiliency, education opportunities, financial literacy, access to employment and health care through telemedicine.
The Nevada Speed Test may be performed on any device that has an internet or cellular connection and takes less than one minute to complete. Participation by everyone is essential. No personal information will be collected. Repeated speed tests are encouraged to better capture variations in internet speeds and collect more statistically valid data.
Speed test information will be superimposed on layers of GIS data for the region and will help pinpoint areas that are most in need of reliable, affordable access to broadband service.
Data is a critical piece to help local broadband groups and regional governments invest where service is needed and to avoid overbuilding infrastructure.
The Nevada Speed Test is particularly timely with the announcement of the American Rescue Plan and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding.
The focus of the federal funding will be unserved areas, so if you are viewing this and DO NOT have any internet service at home, please open the Speed Test page, click on “Enter Address with NO AVAILABLE SERVICE”, enter your home address on the next page, and the map will capture your lack of service at the given address.